CO-OP4CBD’s project partner the French National History Museum (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle) will be hosting an online training session for experts on CBD processes on 4 October 2023.
The training will be open to all European experts who responded to the CO-OP4CBD Call for experts, as well as National CBD Focal Points. The goal of the event is to provide a clear overview of the CDB processes to support experts’ participation in CBD events, with particular attention paid to SBSTTA mechanisms. The participants will have the chance to learn more about:
The context and history of the CBD
The processes and mechanisms of the CBD
The place of scientific expertise in the context of the CBD
A special insight on SBSTTA 25 and feedback from experts who have already participated in CBD events
You can confirm your participation at the online Training Session for Experts on CBD processes and mechanisms at this registration form before 15 September.