
Foundation for Research on Biodiversity

The FRB was established in 2008, following the Grenelle de l’environment (a series of political meetings organised in France in September and December 2007), on the initiative of the ministries in charge of research and ecology, by eight public research institutions. The Foundation’s mission is to support and act with research to increase and transfer knowledge about biodiversity.

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is one of the ten federal scientific establishments that are governed by the Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo). The Institute has four core missions which are: scientific research into natural sciences; scientific expertise aiding public authorities; conservation and management of scientific and heritage collections; dissemination of scientific knowledge in society.

Finnish Environment Institute

SYKE is a multidisciplinary research and expert institute under the Ministry of the Environment, Finland. SYKE's mission is to support the building of a sustainable society with research, information and services by implementing their five objectives: enhance climate change mitigation and adaptation; advance the transition to a sustainable circular economy and bioeconomy; support urban areas on their way to becoming forerunners of sustainability; promote well-being through nature-based solutions and prevent biodiversity loss; develop new approaches for reaching a good state of the seas and inland waters and achieving sustainable use of water resources.


Alternet is a network of partner institutes from 18 European countries, which integrates research capacities across Europe - assessing changes in biodiversity, analysing the effect of those changes on ecosystem services and informing policymakers and the public about this at a European scale. Originally funded by the European Union’s Framework VI program to stimulate a collaborative approach, Alternet is now operating independently, contributing to the lasting integration of Europe’s research capacity on biodiversity.

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is a Norwegian research foundation, established in 1988, which focuses on nature research and the interaction between nature and society. The main areas of research are biological diversity, renewable energy, predatory mammals, aquaculture, environmental databases, use and management of natural resources, impact analyses, ecological effects of climate change and economic effects of nature use.

Pensoft Publishers

Founded in 1992, Pensoft Publishers is an independent academic publishing company, well known worldwide for its novel cutting-edge publishing tools, workflows and methods for text and data publishing of journals, books and conference materials.

HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research

Established in 2012, following the reorganization of the research network of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUN-REN CER’s main mission is to conduct high-quality research on biodiversity and ecosystems, including aquatic and terrestrial life. HUN-REN CER’s main focus is ecological research as well as the impact of agriculture and forestry on biodiversity, traditional ecological knowledge or interdisciplinary topics. HUN-REN Centre for ecological research also aims to provide research evidence for policy-making.

National Museum of Natural History

MNHN was formally founded in 1793 during the French Revolution, but was begun even earlier in 1635 as the royal  garden of medicinal plants. The core mission of MNHN is to produce, develop and disseminate knowledge on geological, biological and cultural diversity and on Earth history, which is carried out through five major activities: curation of natural history collections, research, expertise (policy support and scientific advice), dissemination, and teaching.

United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

UNEP-WCMC is a global centre of excellence on biodiversity and nature’s contribution to society and the economy. UNEP-WCMC works at the interface of science, policy, and practice to tackle the global crisis facing nature and support the transition to a sustainable future for people and the planet.
