CO-OP4CBD will host a training workshop on 18 and 19 September 2023. Following the training session held on 4 September 2023, this workshop will elaborate further on the following SBSTTA25 agenda items:
3A: Monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework;
3D: Plant conservation;
5: Invasive alien species;
6: Sustainable wildlife management;
7: Climate change
This workshop will take place in Paris and is organised by the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity. Thematic experts from EU and associated countries will work ingroups of 5 to 10 participants per topic. Each group will produce a briefing note about their topic, listing the main messages the expert community wants to transmit to the negotiations from the EU and associated countries. The dissemination of these notes will happen during an ad hoc dialogue event, organised by the project partner Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science on October 2 in Brussels.
COOP4CBD strives to engage more experts in these discussions by offering training on specific topics from the CBD agenda, help them prepare expert briefs and facilitate the dialogue between experts and negotiators, thus facilitating the alignment of EU and AC positions on these topics during SBSTTA 25.