CO-OP4CBD will hold a training session on 4 September 2023 for experts. The topics will focus on the SBSTTA25 agenda. The workshop organised by the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity will be held online and will be attended by thematic experts from EU and associated countries.
The main goal of the training session is to present the background, policy context and open issues regarding the Convention on Biological Diversity current discussions on five agenda items of Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice 25 (SBSTTA):
3A: Monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework;
3D: Plant conservation;
5: Invasive alien species;
6: Sustainable wildlife management;
7: Climate change
COOP4CBD aims to engage more experts into these discussions by training them on specific topics in the CBD context, prepare expert briefs and facilitate the dialogue between experts and negotiators, helping establish EU and AC positions on these topics during SBSTTA 25.