
Save the date: Upcoming regional training session for CEE countries' experts and national focal points to take place on 25-26 April in Budapest

03 Apr 2024

In the context of the Horizon Europe project Co-operation for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CO-OP4CBD), the French Museum for Natural History (MNHN) is organizing a Central and Eastern European Countries Regional training session for NFPs and Experts on CBD negotiations.

This training course organized by MNHN with the support of the hungarian CBD NFP, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), and the HUN-REN Center for Ecological Research is intended to complement the regional training session held in Paris on 18 and 19 March which was devoted to a general introduction to the processes and mechanisms of the CBD. This time, participants will be able to learn more about the CBD's specific rules of procedure and negotiation techniques and will be in the position of negotiating a CBD text. Experienced CBD negotiators will be coordinating the training and be exchanging their knowledge and skills for mutual benefit.

The training will take place at the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary from Thursday, April 25th to Friday, April 26th. It is directed towards NFPs and Experts from the Central and Eastern European Countries (i.e. the following EU and associated countries: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine).

This event is an in-person event. It will take place in Budapest. We invite you to contact your CBD National Focal Point, as the participants will be chosen with the limitation of three representatives per countries. Your travel needs (i.e. flight, hotel and per diem) could be covered if required. You could express your interest via this link