On 8 February 2024, CO-OP4CBD will host the second International workshop for CBD National Focal Points, to be organised by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke).
The workshop will be held online and will gather EU and associated countries’ National Focal Points of the CBD, Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTTA), Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Theme, Cartagena Protocol, and Biosafety Clearing-House Mechanism. The participants will have an opportunity to discuss knowledge needs related to relevant SBSTTA 26 agenda items, namely:
- Monitoring framework of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
- Biotechnology
- Marine and coastal biodiversity
- Biodiversity and health.
These SBSTTA 26 topics will be introduced by experts in keynote speeches, paving the way for fruitful discussions in the working groups formed based on geographical criteria. The National Focal Points will also address other pressing knowledge needs and how to tackle the identified knowledge gaps. This workshop is a continuation of the first discussion that occurred during the international workshop for CBD National Focal Points in March 2023.