On October 4, CO-OP4CBD’s partner the Museum of Natural History of France (MNHN) hosted an online training session for 80 attendees from esteemed organisations across Europe. The group consisted a mix of seasoned experts and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) negotiators.
The day was marked by interesting and productive discussions, particularly during the morning session, which delved into the historical narrative of the CBD, the first of the so called Rio conventions conceived at the 1992 Earth Summit. Topics spanned the conservation challenges tackled by the CBD, emphasising the critical need for equity between countries from the global North and South, an axis also relevant within Europe. The comprehensive presentations shed light on the operational framework of the CBD and outlined avenues for experts to engage in the decision-making process of the Convention.
The afternoon segment was tailored to the topics of the upcoming Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) meeting that took place on 15-19 October in Nairobi. Experts with extensive experience contributed valuable insights and practical perspectives on the contents of the SBSTTA agenda. The primary objective of the training was to equip European professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies underlying the Convention's biological diversity framework. The recorded sessions and accompanying PowerPoint presentations are available for broader access on the CO-OP4CBD website’s training corner, ensuring a wider dissemination of the valuable knowledge shared during the training event.
These types of training sessions are specifically designed by the COOP4CBD project and aim to foster a collaborative and informed approach toward addressing critical global biodiversity challenges by the EU Member States.