
CO-OP4CBD Presented at the 2024 World Biodiversity Forum

27 Jun 2024

CO-OP4CBD was presented at the 2024 World Biodiversity Forum, which took place on 16-21 June 2024 in Davos, Switzerland. This conference brought together hundreds of experts, researchers, and policymakers from across the globe to discuss and explore critical issues related to biodiversity.

The theme for this year’s edition of the WBF conference, "From Science to Action," emphasised the need to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical solutions. The forum aimed to unite researchers from various disciplines with practitioners, experts, and artists, fostering collaboration and innovation to advance biodiversity conservation and sustainability.

CO-OP4CBD presented its objectives through an array of project promotional materials. The project's communication officers were on hand throughout the conference to engage with attendees, disseminate information about CO-OP4CBD, and discuss the project's outputs and opportunities. This direct interaction facilitated a deeper understanding of the project’s goals and sparked interest among participants.

The presence of CO-OP4CBD at the WBF not only raised awareness about the project but also highlighted its importance in the global biodiversity discourse. Attendees were keen to learn about the project's strategies for enhancing Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) implementation and its role in the biodiversity science-policy interface.

By engaging with a diverse audience of stakeholders, it was evident that CO-OP4CBD addresses a particular necessity for collaborative efforts to achieve transformative change in biodiversity conservation.

For more information about the World Biodiversity Forum, visit the official WBF website.

Stay updated on CO-OP4CBD’s initiatives and progress as the project activity continues towards achieving its mission of promoting effective implementation of the CBD and enhanced performance of stakeholders within the CBD processes.