
Biodiversity Beat: How CO-OP4CBD Makes a Difference in Overcoming the Challenges of Expert Involvement in CBD Processes

10 Jun 2024

Interview with Robin Goffaux from the Foundation for Research and Biodiversity (FRB)

Conducted By David Ainsworth, Head of Communication, CBD Secretariat

As part of the Biodiversity Beat series, which highlights efforts supporting the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, CO-OP4CBD partner Robin Goffaux from the Foundation for Research and Biodiversity (FRB) was interviewed by David Ainsworth during SBSTTA-26 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Robin shared insights about the mission of CO-OP4CBD to strengthen engagement in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) process by enhancing the capacity of experts and policymakers. He highlighted that the project aims to provide a platform for exchanging knowledge and tools to ensure effective participation in CBD discussions.

Robin provided details about the primary goals of CO-OP4CBD. He emphasized that the project provides expert knowledge to national focal points (NFPs), identifies the landscape of expertise through the CO-OP4CBD calls for experts, and sets up a community of experts and organizing training sessions to produce technical briefs that address the needs of CBD negotiators.

Robin also highlighted that CO-OP4CBD organized training sessions in Paris and Budapest in March and April 2024, with a focus on experts from Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC). During these events, participants displayed a strong willingness to engage. "This is highly motivating as the CO-OP4CBD project enters a new phase," says Robin.

Looking ahead, CO-OP4CBD, launched last year, aims to explore various techniques and strategies to mobilize expertise. Engaging experts in the CBD arena can be challenging due to its specific nature. But with CO-OP4CBD 's mission to provide a platform that bridges science and policy, project partners will provide their best effort to ensure that experts can effectively contribute to a knowledge-based discussion within the CBD dialogue.

Take a look at Robin’s interview for the Biodiversity Beat here. Check out other episodes from the Biodiversity Beat series from SBSTTA-26 and SBI-4 here.